NAD+ NAD Factor Enhancement

NAD+ is short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a vitamin B3 compound used by every cell in your body. It has been well established for decades that NAD is critical for cellular metabolism as it is directly involved in mitochondrial function and ATP production. Chemically speaking, there is a difference between NAD+

and other forms of NAD. NAD+ is the oxidized form of NAD while NADH is the reduced form of NAD. We are currently interested in the oxidised form of NAD+. Not only is it essential for mitochondrial function but more recently it has been discovered that it is also in involved with DNA repair and epigenetic signalling through its regulation of sirtuin enzymes. On top of this, NAD+ may also increase levels of cyclic ADP-ribose, which is a messenger molecule responsible for the exchange of information inside and outside of cells.

The Functions and Benefits of NAD+:

- DNA Repair: NAD+ plays a crucial role in repairing cellular DNA, contributing to the maintenance of genetic integrity.

- Enhanced Mitochondrial Activity: NAD+ helps boost the activity of mitochondria, the cellular powerhouses responsible for energy production.

- Cellular DNA Repair and Regeneration: It assists in the repair and regeneration of cellular DNA, promoting overall cellular health.

- Metabolism Support: NAD+ supports metabolism, aiding in various metabolic processes within cells.

- Activation of Longevity Protein Sirtuins: NAD+ activates Sirtuins, a class of proteins associated with increased lifespan, contributing to the regulation of cellular functions.

- Inhibition of Aging-Related Genes: NAD+ is involved in the inhibition of genes that accelerate the aging process, thereby contributing to anti-aging effects.